Saturday, October 12, 2024
Avila University
11901 Wornall Rd,
Kansas City, MO 64145

Event Info
Together, we strengthen families, put people to work and transform communities.
The most recent Missouri Report on Poverty cites five key factors that impact people living in poverty: food, housing, health, education, family and economic security.
We work to improve every single one of those factors for people we serve. Emergency assistance and nutritional education helps hungry families. Housing assistance and resources help people find and keep stable homes. And our Employment Services is placing hundreds of people in jobs that pay livable wages. Each service is paired with education and support designed to break the cycle of poverty - permanently.
Saturday, October 12, 20224
Avila University
11901 Wornall Rd,
Kansas City, MO 64145
7:00 a.m. - 7:45 a.m.
Warm Up and Group Stretch
7:45 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.
Event Begins
Food, music, games, live entertainment provided all morning in the Avila Quad.
Register Today!
Your $25 registration includes T-shirt, walk/run, food and entertainment.
(After September 30, shirt size cannot be guaranteed)
So gather your running group, your friends, family and neighbors for fall's most meaningful run and walk. Ask them to join your team or support your effort. It's easy to set up a fundraising site - just click the link below. We'II help you every step of the way.
We encourage guests to enjoy their Outpace Poverty 5k experience with 360picKC's 360 photo booth. The booth will be available from 7am - 10am.

Thank you to our 2023 Sponsors